Trial Attorney


A trial attorney is an attorney who practices law in a trial court. Trial attorneys represent clients in civil cases. In these cases, people involved are not referred to as defendants, because it is not a criminal trial. They are retained specifically to sue another party in civil court. Trial attorneys may also be referred to as litigation attorneys.

Trial attorneys practice law in almost any field in which people interact and conduct business. Some examples of the areas of law in which they practice include:

  • Personal injury;
  • Employment;
  • Family;
  • Business and finance; 
  • Immigration;
  • Real estate;
  • Health and medicine/medical; and
  • Landlord or Tenant.
  • A single trial attorney or law firm may handle any combination of practice areas, such as family and real estate law in addition to personal injury cases.

Hiring a Trial Attorney

A person can sue or be sued under almost any non-criminal theory of law. If you believe you have been wronged financially or otherwise, it would be ideal to hire a trial attorney to help you assess the merits of your case.

Furthermore, if another person or business ever sues you, it is best to immediately consult with an attorney to determine the best course of action—delaying your response to the lawsuit can have dire consequences for your defense.

Trial Attorney Duties

Once you have retained a trial attorney, they will handle all major aspects of your lawsuit. For example, your lawyer will:

  • Interview you and other witnesses/parties to build your case
  • Prepare for and conduct depositions of you and other witnesses/parties to be used as testimonial evidence
  • Handle all correspondence with the other party’s lawyers and the court
  • File motions, briefs, and other documents with the court
  • Make a discovery plan and serve discovery requests to the other party
  • Hire expert witnesses to testify about any technical or medical issues that concern your case
  • Engage in settlement negotiations with the other party’s attorneys
  • Present your case before a jury and/or judge

It is important to remember that you have ultimate control over your lawsuit—you decide who to sue when to file suit, and when to settle. However, it is best to defer to your lawyer’s judgment in all legal decisions and to heed any advice about the overall strategy of your lawsuit. Your lawyer’s experience in trial could make or break your case, which is why it is important to carefully select who represents you.

If you are involved in a civil lawsuit, call Arizona Attorney Lawyers today to discuss your rights.